Need help in Indiana


I want to commend you on a very active and helpful group!

I am a 6 Sigma Black Belt from Caterpillar Inc. working with one of
our suppliers to improve their processes and insure on-time delivery
of product. This supplier installed Vantage about 1.5 years ago.
Though the supplier sent a couple of people to training, they do not
have the skills to write reports. From a past life, I have enough IT
knowledge to write simple Vantage reports and have had some success
mining their data without any formal training. This has helped our
project, but I have found a lot of opportunity to improve inefficient
processes by better use of the Vantage system along with add-ons /

The Vantage installation went poorly and the supplier has NO
confidence in hiring a Vantage company professional to help them.
Therefore, my suggestion to the supplier is to define their report
needs, then bring in a 3rd party consultant to do an assessment of
their system and provide reports. From what I've seen (and I'm
making assumptions that installations are fairly typical), a good,
knowledgeable, experienced person could meet their needs in 60-80
hours with opportunity for future work. The supplier is located in
western Indiana, about 1 hour from Indy.

I looked at the Links section of the group and found many links to
3rd party consultants. I would greatly appreciate any
recommendations either pro, or con for any consultant that a group
member has used in the past. Please email off list. The supplier
would also be open to any freelance opportunity for a group member if
credentials aligned with needs.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Dave Blahnik
6 Sigma Black Belt
Caterpillar Inc.