Glad you figured it out. You may want to test the bug I referred to
earlier with regards to reports. If you've got a report you wrote
from scratch using ODBC connections (using the menu option for
Custom Report Link), and run it after this report (a standard
Vantage report with an added ODBC connection), I believe the custom
report will lock up. That's been our experience here. Could you
test that and see if the same thing happens to you?
--- In, "markewhittaker"
<markewhittaker@...> wrote:
Glad you figured it out. You may want to test the bug I referred to
earlier with regards to reports. If you've got a report you wrote
from scratch using ODBC connections (using the menu option for
Custom Report Link), and run it after this report (a standard
Vantage report with an added ODBC connection), I believe the custom
report will lock up. That's been our experience here. Could you
test that and see if the same thing happens to you?
--- In, "markewhittaker"
<markewhittaker@...> wrote:
> I was able to solve my problem using the ODBC connection. I
> a subreport which added the extra data needed for the po form. Inpurchase
> the subreport, I set the Current Datasource to the .xml file
> generated by the purchase order print and added the porel and
> podetail tables. I then added the odbc connection as a datasource
> and added the extra tables that were not already part of the
> order .xml file. Then the report started pulling in the neededdata
> to display on the po form. However, it was rather slow pulling intwo
> the data from the odbc connection (about 90 seconds for a 1-item
> po). I had two tables that were needed in my odbc connection that
> were only being used to link other tables, but no info from these
> tables was needed to print on the po form. I added a field fromeach
> of these tables to the po form and then it pulled in the datarecords
> instantly. So I left the fields there and just hid them on the
> form. Weird, I know, but it worked. Maybe this will help someone
> else in the future.
> I have one last problem that I need help with. When pulling
> from the partrev table, is there a way to get Crystal to displayonly
> the record with the most recent effectivedate? Currently if Ihave
> two approved revisions of a part, they both print, when I onlyneed
> the most recent one to print. Anyone know how to do this withspect
> Crystal? I have been playing with the formula editor, but I am
> shooting in the dark.
> --- In, "markewhittaker" <markewhittaker@>
> wrote:
> >
> > A query would not work in my case. We are trying to print specs
> for
> > a part on a purchase order. Specs for things such as penetrant
> > inspection and chemical-resistant finishes. We attach those
> topo
> > the parts using the partmtl table. I think printing them on the
> > may be a requirement for government contracts. We had it custom-waiting
> > programmed by Epicor in the 6.1 system, but now that we are
> > converting to 8.0 I was hoping to add it in-house without
> forgive
> > several weeks and paying extra for custom programming again.
> >
> > I wasn't aware that the SDK was needed. It seems strange to
> thewasting
> > user the ability to go through all the motions of adding extra
> tables
> > and fields to a form, but not allow them to populate with data,
> > without so much as an error message to let you know you are
> > your time.document
> >
> > I will try the odbc method mentioned earlier. I found a
> onVantage.
> > this site about adding an odbc connection from Crystal to
> Iwrote:
> > will post my results later.
> >
> > Thanks to all.
> >
> > --- In, "Mark Wonsil" <mark_wonsil@>
> > >the
> > > > We are on Vantage 8.0 and Crystal Reports XI. I want to add a
> > > > feature to the standard po form so that it will print any
> records
> > in
> > > > the partmtl file which have the same partnum and revision as
> > > > podtl records.accomplish?
> > >
> > > Let's step back for a moment, what are you trying to
> > What you arehardcopy
> > > describing sounds more like a Business Activity Query and for
> > simple queries
> > > like this, they are quite easy to write. The cool part is that
> they
> > are then
> > > available in places like PO Search screen, so there's no
> > report toand
> > > print and work from. Describe a bit why you need the report
> > we'll go from
> > > there.
> > >
> > > Mark
> > >
> >