NCR and DMR confirmation

I just want to confirm that if you have a NCR you MUST create a DMR to accept or reject the NCR? I have a user that wants to fail at the NCR level but I thought it can only be failed at the DMR level.

Thanks Kim

Yep, DMR to fail…so you will fail it in Inspection Processing and then fail it DMR.

M. Manasa Reddy
P: 703.471.7145 x454

Non conformance just identifies it as potentially bad material, inventory,

Inspection processing is a gateway to determine if it can go back into
inventory or needs further review (DMR)

DMR decides the option to repair through a job, send back to inventory as
is, or reject it outright

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 (cell)

To be more clear, once NCR is entered, it can be passed without a DMR but can only be failed into a DMR.
Once in DMR it can also be passed, but it can also be completely eliminated via failure.

Nonconformance goes to Inspection Processing

From Inspection processing you can fail/pass total quantity from Non

If it is passed it goes back to either the job (material non conformance)
or stock (inventory non conformance)

The amount rejected from Inspection goes to DMR

DMR can then pass back to stock/reject/or be sent to a job to be processed

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 (cell)