When we upgraded from 10.0 to 10.2 a new reporting database was created. What I found strange is we now have 4 different reporting databases, all around 40GB. Has anyone else experienced this?
One 10.0 we only had one and it was never as large as 40GB. Can anything be done to shrink these databases? I provided a screen shot of the files for a pilot database, the production database has 4 as well.
No, the consultants we had used to perform the upgrade had us create a new report database. This caused more issues for us because we had to move all of our custom SSRS reports over to the new database.
I’m not endorsing this…but since it’s a pilot environment, you have more wiggle room. If you deployed a new report database through the console after removing the existing (back up first and make sure you have your custom reports all backed up outside of the database), then it will create a new report database with all the stock reports. Then you could use a tool (report sync, just search this forum ) to migrate the custom reports from an intact report database location to the new one.
IF you don’t feel comfortable doing this, I’m sure other folks on here might have a better idea of why it’s creating large mdf files for a report database