Multiple Parameter Prompts in Dashboard

I have a dashboard that has 2 queries. Each query has a parameter filter. The parameter would be the same for both queries. However, I get 2 parameter boxes that pop up when I open the Dashboard. I end up putting my filter in twice. Is there a way for the 2 queries to pull from 1 parameter?

I’ve done something similar to this in the past.
Keep the Parameters in the first BAQ and add Calculated fields that are those parameters.
Remove the parameters in the second BAQ but make sure you have columns for the fields the parameters are used for.
In the dashboard, Publish the two fields in the first BAQ that contain your parameters
In the second BAQ in the dashboard, subscribe to those fields.
I’m not 100% sure this will work for you or not in your case, and depending on other details there maybe a more elegant solution.


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