We charge our customers the “part” Service, which is one line on a Sales order connected to a job that includes all hours and materials.
We will split this, so the SO will contain Service with the connected job, for the hours only and the materials will each have an individual SO line - to be shipped from stock.
Problem is that we want to invoice/sell the customer the Service (containing just the hours) with individual lines based on the day, evening, weekend rates. Would this mean we need to create individual jobs for each rate?
And lines 3-5 are tied to a single job if possible?
Eek, I don’t know.
I get it, desire 1 is that the techs have a single job number to have to deal with, and desire 2 is that the customer see a breakdown of the costs. And desire 3 is to tie each line to the job. And all of those things work fine.
But I think the issue is tying the real costs to their respective lines, right?
I did this test and as I expected, the shipped costs are simply total costs divided by fraction of production qty. (3/10, 5/10 and 2/10, respectively.)
This really sounds like something the field service module would handle much better than a sales order. Curious if you checked that out and what the gap was if you did…
So basically it is possible to create one job and connect it to individual sales order lines. We can then see the hours worked for each line, but the costs will be split based on the average rate on COS level.
Yes, the costs would be accurate by the overall order by not by the line if you used one job from a financial standpoint. But you could handle the customer issue just by a small customization to your sales order (showing cost / line).