I am attempting to add a Search function to a PO Release, where the buyer can search for an existing Requisition Line, and apply the ReqNum and ReqLine values to the PORel data view.
The search appears correctly, the Quick Search displays as expected, but when a search result is chosen and the user clicks OK, ‘undefined’ values are applied to the fields I am attempting to update (PORel.ReqNum and PORel.ReqLine).
Ep Binding: PORel
Value: searchResult
Columns: [“ReqDetail_ReqNum”, “ReqDetail_ReqLine”] fields from my Quick Search BAQ
Multi Field Bindings: [“PORel.ReqNum”, “PORel.ReqLine”]
I don’t know if this ever got submitted to support, but I worked through a similar issue with @dgross with a BAQ search and could not get it to work when using Erp tables.
Thanks, I think this is getting me closer, but the ErpSearchResults dataview contains all of the search results, not just the one that was selected by the user.
Any idea how I can retrieve only the selected search result?
The searchResult Data View contains a single row, but it looks like it is a ‘GetList’ row related to the ‘Like’ column specified in the Search-Show. It’s not actually the result of the QuickSearch BAQ.
Seems to behave just like you described in that other thread with @dgross
This was submitted to support but without resolution. I actually had 2 different cases - first one (CS0003339286) they wanted me to test after we upgraded to 2022.2.8 which I did and still was an issue. 2nd case (CS0003498914) I had a webex to show support the issue and they requested that I provide a simple example with detail instructions. In the meantime I had moved on and haven’t had time to create the example for support.