Multi Company Trial Balance Report

Hey everyone,

Does anyone know of a solution to generate one trial balance report for multiple companies?

Currently our users are using the standard trial balance report, but they have to run it in each company individually and then combine the records into one master file manually.

One report output with every GL account with opening balance, debits, credits, and closing balance would be so much more efficient.

I have tried pulling some of the GL tables and I got pretty close with one. It has debits, credits, and closing balance, but not opening balance.

I believe this is what the Consolidation Module does for you.

Check out It has really helped us with these types of reporting. We are Single CO, Multi Site, and are able to use the GL segments to segregate the Sites.

Now if someone can advise me on how to safely remove underscores from the ProjectID’s we have created in our DB, so I can create dynamic segments using these…