Multi-Company DB Setup

I have a quick question that I was not able to decipher from the technical reference guide.

When setting up for multi-company, does each company need to have their own set of tables? We currently have all records in 1 table that is just separated by the company code. But when reading the guide, it keeps mentioning outbound tables for the sending company and inbound tables for the receiving company, and my brain is just breaking on that concept since all of our records are in 1 table. So now I am just really confused and could use some help.

I’m not a great resource but I just happen to be dealing with ICPO at the moment. All of the records are in the same table but during some processes (ICPO in my case) there is an IM table used to move info back and forth.

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Thanks! That is what I thought, but trying to picture 1 table that has an outgoing table that moves data to an inbound table that sends the data to the same exact table you started with broke my brain and I needed some reassurance.

You just need to configure Multi-Company. There won’t be seperate tables. It will use the IM Tables and IntQueIn and IntQueOut, tables.

You just have to configure the Multi-Company and setup the Multi-Company Process to run in each company, just like you are doing with MRP.

In a Nutshell:

  • External Company Configuration (You are probably doing Multi-Company System DIRECT)
  • Global Table (Decide which fields will be global)
  • Multi-Company Direct Server Process - Per Company you will Schedule with Agent to run every idk 10 minutes.
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