MS Report Builder, Preview Mode, Connecting to Report Server, Azure Hosted

Customizing reports, it would be great if I could get the Preview (“Run”) button to work in MS Report Builder.

I’m assuming if it’s possible I first need to get a connect to the SQL Server Report Service.

We are hosted on Azure cloud with Epicor

You will not be able to get access. But Epicor did provide the Generate for Design feature to do similar to what you are asking. Look up the generate for Design in help, follow the steps, and you will be good.

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That looks a lot more complicated than my current approach:

  1. Download files to local hard drive using Report Style Maintenance

  2. Open in MS Report Designer

  3. Make a change in MS Report Designer and save

  4. Use Report Style Maintenance to Upload the files (time passes…)

  5. Test using print button on a form, print for PDF preview (time passes…)

<< repeat steps 3-5 until satisfied >>

It’s just kind of a bummer that the intention with the SSRS report building system is to be able to toggle between design and runtime views of the report…that’s what the button is for in MS Report Builder…but you need to have a connection from the report builder to the report server…which for some reason is not allowed for the Epicor hosted environment.

:thinking: :frowning_face:

Just try it. Once you do it a few times you will find its not that bad. And its a million times better than not being able to preview without publishing which is the way it used to be.

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