MRP taking LONG time

MRP has been running fine and some new parts were just recently turned on for MRP. Now it seems to be taking a long time. If a part has a BOM but no Operations would that cause an issue?

MRP Will look at a Firm job first, then, it will look for an Approved Part Revision with a BOM, so that should not really suddenly impact MRP. Check your dates and also look at the MRP Logs once it finishes to see the performance and tweak your Schedulers and Processors accordingly. See the MRP Technical Reference Guide on the section for Performance Tuning MRP.

My 2 cents.
George Hicks

If you have Parts that are set as Mfg with no MOM and there is a Sales Order out there. MRP will try to create a job and error out because it could not copy the MOM for that Part. For every part it gets stuck on, it will delay your MRP for 1 hour. I would make sure that the PN are not yet approved. Hope that helps

You will see something like this in your logs

20:52:21 Processing non-stock transactions for Part:F120-2224-118.
20:52:21 Processing order requirement, Order:318599 Line:1 Rel:1.
20:52:21 Get Destination
20:52:21 Create Interplant Supply
20:52:21 Creating new unfirm job:CUF00000000100 Quantity:1.
20:52:21 Adding to job:CUF00000000100 Quantity:1.
20:52:21 Copying BOM from Part:F120-2224-118 Rev:3 to Job:CUF00000000100.

20:40:45 Building PartList Level: 2
21:52:21 Process 6 not responding. Abandoned during process ‘Processing Part~F120-2224-118’
21:52:21 Building PartList Level: 3

Note the 1hr difference

How many processes did you run it with? Did you turn on the detailed log, if so can you see what it’s ‘stuck’ on?

The longer is probably the 1 hour delay that Miguel is pointing to. I had to add more processes and scheduler to outlast the process.
I am now at 12 MRP Processes and 8 Schedulers. I had 8 parts abandoned last night in Net Change and 10 on Sunday’s full regen.

You will have to watch how much memory you are using, but it was the only way in our imperfect world to get it to finish.

I have a script that takes the abandoned parts from the log and emails them for review every day.

I have a PowerShell script that looks into the file and sends the PN to the Engineering group as well. How did you write yours? I have a running log at the end.

#Path to the file
$Path = "\\CCCAEPI01\EpicorData\Reports\MANAGER\1-MRP.txt"

#Declare a dynamic array
$Data = @()

#Read the file
Get-Content -Path $Path | ForEach -process {
	# If the line does contain Abandoned then 
	# Add it to the Array.
	If ($_ -Match "Abandoned")
		$Data += (Get-Date -f yyyyMMdd ) + "_" + $_

if ($Data.count -gt 0)
$EMailBody = $Data | out-string
##############  Script start Here ##########
# $smtp variable contain the name/ip of your email server ##
# $to contain the email id whom you want to send email ###
# $from contain email of sender ###
# $Subject contain subject of the email. 
# In Body we are defining some HTML coding in to our email message body
# <b> means BOLD 
#<br> means Break go to next Line
#<a href> provide a link to the text
# <font color=red> , give the color to the font 
$smtp = "10.0.XX.XX"
$to = "bunch of emails"
$from = "EPICOR9 <>"
$subject = "MRP Issues for today " 
$subject += Get-Date -f MMddyyyy
#Will insert a new line at each entry
$body =  $Data -join "<br/>" | out-string

#### Now send the email using \> Send-MailMessage 
send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtp -To $to -From $from -Subject $subject -Body $body -BodyAsHtml -Priority high
########### End of Script################
#Display Data
$Data >> MRP-Issues.log
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I found mine on spiceworks. :smiling_face:

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