MRP Not Delivering Messages For Past Due Jobs

I am working with support on a case where MRP does not seem to be looking at past due production dates. We have some jobs where we expect MRP to generate a cancel suggestion because there is no demand for the part. However, MRP does nothing until we change the required by date on the job to a future date. Once we use a future date, then MRP delivers the expected message to cancel the job. Is this normal? Shouldn’t MRP see there is no demand for the item regardless of when the job is due and deliver a cancel job message without having to change the date first? How can this be managed and I am curious to see how others are handling this if this is normal. I am going to attache a couple screen shot for reference.

Anything in the MRP logs?

Guesses here - is Days of Supply part of that calculation? Or perhaps because of the start date cutoff you use for MRP?

I don’t use those suggestions, so I don’t really know.