MRP not creating supply jobs for demand

This is a follow-on from a previous post we made on jobs not being created for deman. We have an issue with MRP that has us stymied. We have a handful of manufactured parts that are components to the manufactured part on a sales order line. The parts are flagged as Make to Stock with approved revisions, a valid method and no on hand quantity. The parts are not flagged as Make Direct in the parent job’s bill of material, and Process MRP flag is set on the parts, but MRP won’t generate an unfirm job to make the part. However, if you clear the Process MRP flag on the component, save it, recheck the flag and save, then run MRP for just that part, MRP will generate a job for it. What else could be preventing MRP from picking up these parts that are already flagged to be picked up by MRP if there’s demand for them? This is a HUGE issue for us as we depend on MRP to generate the supply jobs to be picked from stock for assembling orders. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Sounds like the part that you want a job suggestion for is a subassembly of the parent part. Is that correct?

What is the part marked as on the parent MOM; Plan As or Pull As?

We do not use subassemblies on our parent parts, everything that is a component to a parent part is Make To Stock(Don’t ask me why, they went away from subassemblies years ago!). I haven’t personally looked at a method using one of these parts, but you bring up a good point, I’ll check that.

@jkane, One thing I didn’t mention earlier is that the top level job creating the demand is coming from a Quote, with the method created as a part of the Quote line. The top level part exists in Epicor, but doesn’t have the operations and material in a Part method.

Does it have an approved revision?

Yes, only one revision and approved on 11/30/2023, long before the order was created.

Does the MOM for that revision have the part you are missing suggestions for in it?

Yes, in the Quote method. there are no operations or material on the Part itself, serves as a placeholder. The method comes from the Quote line itself.

I do not believe that is how the system works, but I could be wrong. I was always under the impression that MRP worked the following way:

  • When MRP sees demand, it checks for an Approved Revision. If it finds one, it suggests a Job based off of that Approved Revision.
  • If there is no Approved Revision, it will then check to see if a Quote created the Order and if yes, it brings in the details from the Quote.
  • If the part does not exist in the system, it creates the suggestion with the Quote information.

Are the details in the suggested Job the same as what is in the Approved Revision?

Can you share your MRP Configuration?

Is there anything in the MRP Log for that part?