Where do the MRP log files go when using the Cloud version?
here you go!
You can use an inside the client screen called Server File Download to download files that are stored on the server for your tenancy.
Here is a link to a KB we have on this functionality: Sign In
Or, you can open application help from within your client and search for server file download to see the topic/steps on how to download files from the Cloud servers to your machine.
EDIT 1: This isn’t just available to Cloud customers. On-premise customers can also lock down \epicordata and have users download log files/report files using this process as well.
@aidacra - Cool! I just checked, but we don’t have that menu item in 10.0.700.4 (OnPrem). If it became available later, can the KB article be updated (i.e. 10.1+) instead of “Applies to ERP10”. I do see it in out 10.2.200 test environment. Thanks!
Here’s what I see in 10.0 (and AFAIK, have every menu item available):
Absolutely correct, this was introduced beginning in 10.1.400. This doc was created with our Cloud customers in mind, and as all Multi-tenant and Dedicated Tenant Cloud customers are always on current code (+/- a release for DT) we didn’t think to clarify when it was introduced.
I have added the versions where this functionality exists in the KB and a note where it was first introduced per your feedback to avoid confusion for our non-Cloud customers
Thanks for the feedback!