When I run MRP and look at the suggestions based on end date. I would like to have those end dates automatically extended by 5 days. I have my work orders, but also have a second manufacturing that is outside the last operation in the work order. That typically takes 5-7 days to complete.
Is there any setting or method to add time to the completion date after MRP has finished processing.
Displays the amount of days required to move a part to stock or to the next job. The Receive Time is subtracted from the Requested by Date .
Note: When you schedule a job, the Scheduling engine takes the Requested by Date and subtracts the Receive Time to calculate a net Requested by Date. Scheduling then takes the net calculated date and works backwards to calculate the Start Date. For example:
Requested by Date = 30/05/2016
Move Time = 5 days
Calculated net Requested by Date = 25/05/2016
Start Date = 23/05/2016 (calculated by Scheduling based on the net Requested by Date)
Thank you, I’ve noticed that the receive time is only working when I have one operations. If I have multiple operations, nothing seems to happen. Does something need to be done on the system/site configuration or at the operations level.
as @gpayne said… “Receive time” is the magic here… you assign receive time at the PartClass / Site level… so each part class can have a different receive time in each site.
Tim, it seems that the receive time set (5 days in this case) is only working when there it one operation in the method. If i have several operations in a MOM, it ignores the receive time and just returns a date based on the Method requirements. It does not add the 5 days into the schedule calculations.