Have many questions, but the first things that come to mind:
Does anything change with employees clocking in and out? We still need to capture labor and burden, so will continue to use MES for activities, but how does taking payroll out of the equation affect data collection and reporting?
When we previously processed payroll, the previous week’s activities are no longer available to adjust. Do we run a dummy payroll process to achieve this moving forward?
There are a number of ways this can be done and it depends on the provider and your internal process requirements. By 3rd party, I assume you mean ADP, Ceridian, Paycom, etc.
It sounds like you are keeping your labor detail records so it doesn’t need to change anything with clocking in/out.
They all except labor detail records and some take labor hours and some take elapsed time. Essentially, you need to decide what records you are going to base your pay hours on and get that correct before you send it. A relatively common approach is to tune up your labor detail records and send those in a CSV file to your provider. If that is too much work, you can probably just send a single record with the pay hours from the labor header but that doesn’t give you a breakdown of the type of time-off requests, etc.
How you get the data could be an exported dashboard, a report or a custom BAQ.
The payroll module is not required for what I am talking about but I am sure there are other options.
Thanks for the quick response, but we will be clocking into a 3rd party system for payroll, side by side with MES. Just wondering how things, if at all, will be affected removing payroll from the equation in E10.
You will be double-clocking, which isn’t super efficient but not that uncommon. Nothing will need to change in the system. The accounting interval that you used to take the payroll records from the labor records will just cease to exist. The other accounting processes will remain the same.
So is there even a need for the records in Payroll Employee Maintenance anymore? We already have temps that are paid by their agency, but we track their labor against jobs, which will be exactly what we want to do moving forward. I was hoping to merely uncheck the Payroll Employee box in Employee Maintenance, but it appears that cannot be unchecked as long as their is a Payroll Employee link in the system.
For now, I am just going to make a customization to T&E to uncheck the Feed Payroll checkbox and then grey it out moving forward.
We still need to run the process to close out adjustments for job labor detail for the previous week.
No, there is not a need for the Payroll Employee Maintenance records if you are not using payroll in Epicor, unless you are using the information internally in your company for something else.
The Capture COS/WIP process will remain the same and lock down labor detail records like usual.