Moving Database

It looks like you copied something I wrote for that...

If I understand you correctly....

You are running SQL for your Database, and you have both SQL and
OpenEdge/Epicor installed on the same server.

What you are trying to do is to move your SQL databse off of that server
and put it on a different SQL server, correct?

Easiest way to do that is to follow these steps.

1- Shutdown OpenEdge.
2- Backup SQL DB
3- Create DB on new SQL Server with the same name(Epicor905 etc)
4- Restore the backup of the DB from the other server to the new server,
make sure you adjust file locations as needed.
5- Go back to your Epicor Server and open up your ODBC Data Sources, I
assume you are on 64-bit everything so default one in Administrative Tools
will work.
6- Change the server name in the Epicor905 System DSN to the new server
7- Turn off SQL on the old server, and restart OpenEdge and you will now
have your SQL DB on the new server.

Make sure that whatever username you are using to run the Admin Service for
OpenEdge has been granted SysAdmin rights on the new SQL server, if you are
running the Admin Service with Local Service then you should use some sort
of Service account so that it can properly authenticate and get access to
your SQL Database to read and write the data.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Doyle, Jason <jdoyle@...> wrote:

> Maybe some of you can point me in the right direction.
> We are now on 9.05.700B2, and I need to move our progress "database"
> entries to our SQL server.
> There was a previous thread going about a known issue with the
> *TPC.mfgsys files that recommended doing this.
> In looking at our setup, we need to do this also for other reasons.
> Progress is installed on our SQL server, and our primary Epicor DB is
> SQL, I'm just not sure how to reconfigure everything to move the db
> entries to the SQL server box.
> Here is the text from the previous thread that I think addresses what
> I'm trying to do.
> > > The best solution I have found, is to have OpenEdge on your SQL
> server, and
> > > install the client from your Epicor Server, and allow it to create
> the Admin
> > > Tool and Schema Change Icons for you.
> > >
> > > Then, as an extra step, change the -db line in the .pf files to not
> use the
> > > TCP settings.
> > >
> > > Instead, take a backup of the schema holder from your epicor server,
> restore
> > > it to the SQL server somewhere, and use that as a reference instead,
> then
> > > everything will run locally on the SQL server since that's where
> your data
> > > is located anyway.
> I'm fairly familiar with the configuration file setup, but probably just
> enough to be dangerous. We are probably going to ping support for this,
> but if it's easy, and I can do it in an evening, I'd rather go that
> route.
> Thanks!
> Jason Doyle
> Software Architect
> Cranel, Inc.
> Cranel Imaging / ISOdx / Versitec
> 8999 Gemini Parkway / Columbus, OH 43240
> p: 614.318.4256 / f: 614.431.8388
> email: jdoyle@... <mailto:jdoyle@...>
> <> /
> <> /
> <>
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Maybe some of you can point me in the right direction.

We are now on 9.05.700B2, and I need to move our progress "database"
entries to our SQL server.

There was a previous thread going about a known issue with the
*TPC.mfgsys files that recommended doing this.

In looking at our setup, we need to do this also for other reasons.

Progress is installed on our SQL server, and our primary Epicor DB is
SQL, I'm just not sure how to reconfigure everything to move the db
entries to the SQL server box.

Here is the text from the previous thread that I think addresses what
I'm trying to do.

> > The best solution I have found, is to have OpenEdge on your SQL
server, and
> > install the client from your Epicor Server, and allow it to create
the Admin
> > Tool and Schema Change Icons for you.
> >
> > Then, as an extra step, change the -db line in the .pf files to not
use the
> > TCP settings.
> >
> > Instead, take a backup of the schema holder from your epicor server,
> > it to the SQL server somewhere, and use that as a reference instead,
> > everything will run locally on the SQL server since that's where
your data
> > is located anyway.

I'm fairly familiar with the configuration file setup, but probably just
enough to be dangerous. We are probably going to ping support for this,
but if it's easy, and I can do it in an evening, I'd rather go that


Jason Doyle

Software Architect

Cranel, Inc.

Cranel Imaging / ISOdx / Versitec

8999 Gemini Parkway / Columbus, OH 43240

p: 614.318.4256 / f: 614.431.8388

email: jdoyle@... <mailto:jdoyle@...> <> /
<> /

1985-2010...Celebrating 25 years of excellence, 25 years of evolution

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information for the use of the designated recipients named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this communication in error and that any review, disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of it or its contents is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error; please notify Cranel Incorporated immediately by telephone at 614-431-8000 or 800-288-3475 and destroy all copies of this communication and any attachments.

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