We have “Move Cost to DMR” checked in the company configuration. We noticed that once we create a DMR, it includes the cost for all issued material for the non-conforming part as well as the related sub-assemblies. But in most cases, the sub-assemblies are linked to the final operation of the top-level method. If we create the Non-conformance in the first Operation, why the DMR will include the cost of the Sub-assemblies which are still waiting to be consumed?
I just wanted to know how everyone here is dealing with this strange logic in the DMR costing process. I see that there is an idea posted in Epicor Idea on September 2021 regarding this issue. Move Costs to DMR - Only move material costs | Epicor Kinetic Ideas (aha.io), but I think it was not getting enough attention from the Epicor team. This got only 7 votes so far ( 3 of them came from me )
As per my understanding, this should be a common problem for everyone who has multiple operations in their MOM. But looks like either everyone has found an alternative way to get the correct DMR costing or I am missing the whole thing.
Any suggestion would be very helpful. Thank you all!
Move cost to DMR- includes all material and subassembly cost even they are linked to next operations
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We are having the same issues. Finally I just unselected the Move Costs check box as we want to keep all costs with the job. I just wanted it to calculate the NC costs for me not move them. Doesn’t appear that is possible AND as you mention it doesn’t seem to have logic in its cost calculations.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, it would be great if the move cost to DMR worked. Looks like we better need to keep the move cost to DMR unchecked as this is just generating useless garbage data at DMR cost. But this may affect on the actual job cost calculation - I am not sure.