If crew size does not solve your problem you can possibly select to split the operations. This allows the operation requirement of x pieces or hours to be reported against by multiple resources and effectivle splitting the actual labor requirements by the number of resources doing the work.
You can further select how to report the labor against it, by actual hours or by the pieces created (reporting the value of the hours of work versus the actual). Somewhere in one of the old 6.1 manuals, it said that crew size referred to whether more than one resource was needed for setup. However, no v8 doc says that, and tech support has never had an idea, no matter who I ask. I believe that crew size was more of a scheduling function, like it looked for the availabilty of both for scheduling or something..not really sure. The key here is that the operation has to be set as SPLIT OPERATION, even if you end up not splitting the labor.
To: vantage@yahoogroups.comFrom: rholton@...: Mon, 21 May 2007 20:00:43 +0000Subject: [Vantage] More than one worker doubling production parts
We are still practicing on our test database and since we are not going to be getting any formal training we are trying to muddle through. I hope you can help. We have entered a job and have batched some of the items for shearing. The shearing is a two man operation. When I enter labor into the batched job, it is requiring me to put information into the job part grid. Both of the employees will be performing equal work. I can't enter all the parts on one employee and none on the other because of the grid requirement. If I put the quantities on both employees it is doubled up. Splitting the reporting is not practical especially when it comes time for the guys to enter the information themselves. So what is the proper way to report the labor for these parts?None of the resources are scheduled. We have tried adding a shearing oeration with a two man crew size but it did not resolve the problem.Thanks.
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You can further select how to report the labor against it, by actual hours or by the pieces created (reporting the value of the hours of work versus the actual). Somewhere in one of the old 6.1 manuals, it said that crew size referred to whether more than one resource was needed for setup. However, no v8 doc says that, and tech support has never had an idea, no matter who I ask. I believe that crew size was more of a scheduling function, like it looked for the availabilty of both for scheduling or something..not really sure. The key here is that the operation has to be set as SPLIT OPERATION, even if you end up not splitting the labor.
To: vantage@yahoogroups.comFrom: rholton@...: Mon, 21 May 2007 20:00:43 +0000Subject: [Vantage] More than one worker doubling production parts
We are still practicing on our test database and since we are not going to be getting any formal training we are trying to muddle through. I hope you can help. We have entered a job and have batched some of the items for shearing. The shearing is a two man operation. When I enter labor into the batched job, it is requiring me to put information into the job part grid. Both of the employees will be performing equal work. I can't enter all the parts on one employee and none on the other because of the grid requirement. If I put the quantities on both employees it is doubled up. Splitting the reporting is not practical especially when it comes time for the guys to enter the information themselves. So what is the proper way to report the labor for these parts?None of the resources are scheduled. We have tried adding a shearing oeration with a two man crew size but it did not resolve the problem.Thanks.
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