A one sided JE is easy at least in Vantage and unfortunately we have had to do it numerous times.
Go to Company Configuration, Modules, Finance, General Ledger
Check the box that says "Allow unbalanced manual general journal entries"
Click Save
Got to Journal Entry screen and enter data as normal - you will only have one line instead of two obviously
When hit post, system will ask you to override the journal entry since it is unbalanced, check OK
Verify the general ledger is in balance
Go to company configuration and uncheck the journal entry box, click save
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Internet and e-mail communications are property of Bruno Independent Living Aids. BILA reserves the right to retrieve, read and store any message created, sent or received. BILA reserves the right to monitor messages by authorized BILA employees at any time without any further consent.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Go to Company Configuration, Modules, Finance, General Ledger
Check the box that says "Allow unbalanced manual general journal entries"
Click Save
Got to Journal Entry screen and enter data as normal - you will only have one line instead of two obviously
When hit post, system will ask you to override the journal entry since it is unbalanced, check OK
Verify the general ledger is in balance
Go to company configuration and uncheck the journal entry box, click save
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Internet and e-mail communications are property of Bruno Independent Living Aids. BILA reserves the right to retrieve, read and store any message created, sent or received. BILA reserves the right to monitor messages by authorized BILA employees at any time without any further consent.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]