Is it possible to modify report name for pack slip ?
Like packing slip print_packId
You can put a post processing method directive on Ice.SysMonitorTasks.GetBallonRowsKeepIdleTime
In this method, look up the task against the task parameters. Then update your description to what you want.
Quick example (update for your use)
You can also take a look here:
Is your directive enabled?
Yes it is, but i am getting this one in 2024.1
in 2022.1 it works.
Maybe they changed how the notifications are retrieved in 2024.1. I’m using 2023.2, and it uses GetBallonRowsKeepIdleTime. Run a trace and figure out which method it is using.
Haven’t read it in a bit, but might be where we should look.
Thank you. I’ll try that.
@mbayley how can I bring in the pack id in this?
foreach (var row in result.SysTask)
row.TaskDescription = “Packing Slip ID”+ row.TaskDescription;
Did you get it working in 2024.1 ? Share the deets!
not yet. still trying
You would want to lookup the TaskNum against the ice.SysTaskParam table where ParamName is “PackNum”