Mix font types in Text or Label Fields?

Anyone ever mixed fonts in a label or text box?

We’ve been able to get by with using Alt-codes but now need to mix fonts in a single label. I found this WinFormattedLinkLabel and WinFormattedTextEditor but have no idea if Epicor supports them nor how to get it to work.

Why do you need to mix font in a label? Curious about the Use Case.

Good question. We’re implementing @hmwillett’s Tool Tips for some of our form fields. At first we were using a WebDings font, a circle with a lower case i in it, to denote to our users which fields that had tool tips. As not all fields will have tips, we wanted a way for our users to visually know the ones that do. Toyed with some text/alt-codes but nothing has really passed muster yet, examples (i) ( i ) (▲) (≡) [≡], etc

And for the other “old folks” here, you’re welcome to the flashbacks to the old ASCII art days. :crazy_face:

how about a custom style like a very thin or broken underline?

In HTML, you could assign a background image, make it right justified, and make the enclosing container a hair bigger.

Part Number (i)

Part Number image

Haso–in short: aesthetics.
If you can control the spacing/padding/alignment in one label, it looks a lot better than trying to get two lined up with the proper spacing.

Pretty much the difference between these two, but instead of the right one being in one label, you have to sit there and meticulously align it.

edit, never mind.

Not that I’m aware of. I was just using it as an example of adding an image to a control. Which I think can be done in the runtime styler.

[quote=“ckrusen, post:7, topic:51169”] … I was just using it as an example of adding an image to a control…

worth a shot!

Or maybe you can set the image. It’s not in the properties pane. but the Object explorer shows a property
BackgroundImage for label controls


The run time styler lets you add an image to the control.


So you might beable to make a new style for just the EpiLabel, and set it in the customization.

If you want to get fancy, have a routiune in OnLoad, that finds all the controls with ToolTipText, and set their style to the new one.

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  1. Went into Runtime style created a new style named InfoStyleSet based on Default
  2. used the image area of the Runtime styler
    Setting the image, and the alignment to Right (make sure you’re in the new style and not the default)
  3. save and exit runtime styler

Then In customization set the StyleSetName to the new style you created

Here’s the finished result (the new style only applied to the Group label



I still prefer hijacking the Extended Properties / Field Help and teaching the user to simply use Field Help to look-up “notes aka tool-tips” :slight_smile:

There becomes an expectation that you will do this on every customization :slight_smile: and you will wrestle alot with 10.2.300 Cosmetic Validation Warnings (which is new).

Can the “Field Level Help” be changed on UD fields?

I see what you mean about the other tab though, but not sure our users wouldn’t just :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: instead of putting in the effort to open Tech Details.

Lol, you know as well as I do that they won’t.
Hovering over an icon is much faster than going up to the field help.
It’ll be much more readily adopted.

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Works until reopening Epicor. The I have to reopen the style, is there a way to default it to load with Epicor? I’ve not really messed with styles before.


I’ve only really played with styles, just enough to make some changes that I use to highlight the test company.

They are very confusing.

And you probably want to make the image file a GIF, or something that allows transparent backgrounds. (or cheat and edit the image so its background is the same as the Epicor form background)

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It was just a quick’n’dirty png file I didn’t set transparency yet. Need to get it to reload when I open Epicor again first though.

I don’t fully understand the relationship between Style Library, and Styles.

Seems odd that you can set the “StyleSetName” property to one other than the one that loads at startup.

Looks like you have to create a new Theme and import the style (the ISL file) you created. Then set that theme as distributable and as the default.

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Yeah, I haven’t messed with style themes too much either.

And I was just coming in to say I got it working --at least on my test database-- and will test it on users. We have some people who use their other themes but maybe an update to all themes

Edit: @ckrusen, you had an awesome idea sir! In testing, if the user never changed form the system default it works. Down side is we do have users with other themes so it’ll not a universal. May go back to the good’ol text (i).