I’m trying on building a dashboard to show employees missing entries or better said dates where the employees didn’t enter time so I can tell them hours are missing.
My issue is how to tell the system to return which dates are missing? As no header records are created at all, not sure how to ask the system how to show me those missing days; any ideas?
Basically, you use that table to generate a list of dates. Then use subqueries to merge your records from other sources based on those dates. So, if you want to know where you don’t have label records, you would match on the date, then return those where label hed has no records.
I hope this helps. Good luck!
I was able to build the BAQ/Dashboard but unfortunately, is working for 1 employee at a time. If I want to pull the all the BAQ will show only date where ALL employees missed entering time.
I hope that I can tag along on this, as this is exactly what I am trying to achieve.
You say that you have used the zDataField table and linked through to a post that contains the following script…
(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ZDataField.SysRevID ASC)) as [Calculated_Row_Num],
(dateadd(day, Row_Num, '1/1/2000')) as [Calculated_Date]
from Ice.ZDataField as ZDataField
Can you please expand how do I add this onto my BAQ.
I am looking for the BAQ to contain a list of all dates, so that I can link it to the LabourDtl table to display employees that have not clocked time for certain dates.