Missing Reference for QuickSearchDataSet in Customization


I’m trying to implement this solution from @josecgomez to dynamically add criteria to a Quick Search from a custom button.

For a little background, I’ve added an active flag to the shipTo table and want to be able to optionally filter by this new field. The core issue is that my new Quick Search doesn’t automatically filter by the current customer and just pulls every Ship To location back.

I keep getting the following error.

It is in reference to this line of code:
QuickSearchDataSet qsds = _qdA.QuickSearchData;
I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t seem to figure out what reference I’m missing.

Below are all my reference and whatnot. I’m sure I have more than I need.

Does anyone know what I’m missing? Or how I can figure this out?

Thank you!

For that line of code you will need Ice.Adapters.QuickSearch.dll

Thank you for the reply! That’s what I thought too. But I have that in already as a custom reference. I tried adding it and removing it too just to be sure.

Or am I missing something here?

Hmm… weird. What I did was I went into a customization, put in your line of code, seen the error, and then added the reference. Once I did that, the error went away. I think it’s something else going on there.
Silly question - did you try saving the customization, closing the form and then open it again ?

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Just to cover all my bases I restarted everything after saving the customization and I’m still getting the same error. I made a new, empty customization and just added that line of code and the Ice.Adapters.QuickSearch dll (Just to help ensure nothing else in the customization was interfering) and I’m still getting the same error.

Trying to figure out if this is an issue with my setup. Went through all the steps with a coworker on his machine and he’s getting the same error with the QuickSearchDataSet as well. I’ve also gone through and re-installed Epicor entirely.

Try adding either:

using Ice.BO;

or use the full type:


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That’s it yes. I already had that in the code, that’s why it worked for me.

That did it, thank you!

For the future, is there a good way to know what references you’re missing for stuff like this? Or do you just pick it up after a while?

There is an Ice Tools guide, don’t have the link on hand. It can be helpful.

The lack of intellisense/code completion in classic forms customizations is a hindrance. It’s
a crutch I really miss.

Sometimes I open up the dlls in visual studio, or dnspy, and look around.

To be perfectly frank in this case however, this is what I did:

I knew this code worked, as I’ve used it and done something similar. I couldn’t
remember where though. I knew it needed that type, and was missing a “using” statement.
So I searched the forum for “QuickSearchDataSet”. Couldn’t find the “using” listed in any of
the posts, but I found this post with a trace in it:

In that trace there was this line:
<parameter name="ds" type="Ice.BO.QuickSearchDataSet">

I put 2 & 2 together and posted the solution.

Cheers :tada:

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Awesome, thank you for the follow up! I’m still learning and I love getting this kind of insight.

In my last job I was in Visual Studio all the time and boy do I miss intellisense! Made it way easier to fumble my way through things lol.

Luckily intellisense works in BPMs/Functions.

Have to press ctrl space, but it works :slight_smile:

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Whoa! I did not know that existed, nice!

Thanks again man!