Missing Homepage Layouts upgrading from 10.1.600

Doing a test upgrade from 10.1.600 to 2021.2 and we have no Home Page Layouts.


User Account Security Maintenance shows no layouts to select from either:


We get an error trying to log into Kinetic Home page:

BUT, we do get the Kinetic Home Page via the browser:

Things we’ve tried:

  • Enabled Processes | Home Page in Menu Maintenance (removed Security Manager Only)
  • Ensured Token Authentication is enabled (Active Homepage and EDD work in the browser :person_shrugging: )

Mark, what does your client sysconfig file look like for that environment?

Specifically, is your homepage URL properly configured?

Also, if you are using an SSL that has an address different than your appserver:

App server URL: https://servername/Test

SSL: mycoolsslname.com/Test

Then you need to make sure that the appserver node and the homepage node in the sysconfig file match that of your SSL.

My last two comments are in response to the “can’t log in” message. I don’t know about the home page layouts.

Good thought. I copied the Homepage URL from the config file and pasted it into the browser and get a login screen.

The error pops up after the authentication is complete. I’m thinking a conversion didn’t run or I would be able to set a default layout. :thinking: (I also filed a ticket on EpicCare not seeing anything there either…)

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