Missing barcodes

Over the weekend I migrated our SSRS server to a new server. Everything is working great, except for that barcodes are now printing as text. This seems like an obvious missing font issue, so I exported the font used here (Dataworks Bar 39) from Windows Fonts on the old server and then installed the font on the new server. Then I did a test print, but still no barcodes. Next I tried restarting the service for Reporting Services but that didn’t do it either.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

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I’m not very familiar with the issue but I’ve heard you may need to install the font as the user who will be printing the reports.

That is not the issue here. Nothing on the computer that the reports are being printed from has changed, and that font is already installed there. The PDF previews are rendered by the SSRS server, not by the local user’s computer.

This was fixed by rebooting both Epicor and the SSRS server. Perhaps just a caching issue after I added the font?

Based on some other articles I found, the only way they could get a new font to be recognized by SSRS was to reboot. I tried restarting the SSRS service itself but that had no impact. Full server reboot allowed the font to finally be recognized.


wonder if it was the print service that was the issue. glad to hear a reboot fixed it.

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