Miscellanous Charge Amount is disabled in PO Suggestion Form


When I am selecting the Amount in Type then Amount is disabled. But when I select Percentage then its enabling the Percentage field.

I checked but not getting why when selecting Amount its disabling the field to enter the amount

Populate Charge ID first then enter the amount.


Yea even we Put charge Id then select amount, amount column is disabled only.
Below is the image for reference


any idea why amount field is disabled to enter even charge id is mentioned… i checked all setting but couldnt found it.

Did you create the charge ID master record or it is randomly being typed in the charge ID field over there?

Hi Chun

Thanks for reply.

I have already created Master record and Amount is selected bydefault in this. Then in Charge Id dropdown, I select this misc charge and select Amt then also its Amount is diabled but when click percentage then its enabled.