Misc Order Line Charge “every” Logic

It seems to us that the logic for “every” frequency on a Sales Order Line is deeply flawed or at least misunderstood

The issue is specifically as follows, as Epicor logic goes it appears that when an Order Line Misc Charge is set to “EVERY” Epicor applies that charge to “EVERY” shipment line against that order even if it’s on the same packing slip. So, if you ship 1-line multiple times in a single packing slip (different lots, PCID, BIN etc.) you will incur the Misc Charge multiple times at Invoice Time.

Order: 12344
Line Charge (Every) 100
Header Charge (Every) 145

Pack Slip:12345
Shipped Line 1 Twice (Different Lots)

Invoice: 123456
3 Misc Charges
2 x 100 (this is because 2 entries for the same Order Line in Packing Slip)
1 x 145 (this is the header charge)

Even though there was a Single Invoiced Packing Slip for that 1 Order Line, the Customer in this case was charged 2 x 100 because we shipped 2 separate lots.

This happens when there is multiple pack slip lines in a single packing slip for the order / line because of PCID, Different Lots, Different Bins or any other differentiator

This seems to us that is deeply flawed as we (the royal we) understood it “every” was suposed to be once on every shipment (one charge per order line per packing slip)

@timshuwy is this working as designedl or is this a bug? Cause if so it was designed crazy!

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I think it work as design - every is every, no care about split or not (easier than have to verify a lot of cases). We manage it manually.

It’s a single shipment though… manually isn’t an option we have thousands of orders to process a week

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I would say that it is working as designed, but that design really is causing you issues. The intent of the design is to allow you to charge some sort of handling/shipping/engineering/design charge each time that line is referenced on a packslip. in your case, you dont want the second hit (i totally get that).
I guess the problem would then come to “how do we know when to do it one way or the other?”.

Another option is designed/implemented so that we can elect one way or the other. I haven’t gotten super into this like @josecgomez has, but maybe @josecgomez could think up how to handle this.

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Yeah I mean I understand how it’s working I just can’t see anyone in a single packing slip wanting to hit that charge for very lot I suppose it could happen but I’d wager that 99.999% of folks just want that charge to hit once every time that sales order is shipped.

Mind you I can ship a billion units of this part as long as it’s in the same lot or bin of PCID then they get one charge, but if I have it stored in multiple bins then they get multiple charges it seems arbitrary defined by the number of lines on the packing slip which we have no real control of

IMO it’s behaving a lot more like a bug than a feature because it is happening arbitrarily and unexpectedly when something (seemingly unrelated like the bin number or lot number) is different.

We had one order charge 1750$ to an invoice cause we shipped 6 pallets (pcids) in a single shipments the goods charge was 200 bucks lol


Thanks for clarifying Jose and pointing out what it’s based on.

I went to bat on First/Every/Last a long time ago it went nowhere.

I made the argument it does not operate as described. “Shipments” is apparently interpreted in different ways LOL

:hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:under current staffing that might change. Every is worthless in 99.999999% of cases. In the case of shipping and handling charges we have gone to just adding them in customer shipment entry so it only hits once per invoice.


I would say “submit this as a bug” to support. That will push it through the support/dev teams, and they will be able to look at any design docs or release documentation to determine what the intent was. Also let me know the case number. I will see if I can find out more from my side.
I agree (being a former VERY heavy lot control customer) that I would not have expected that behavior from “every shipment”


Thank you for lobbying this for so long! Glad we have some more people backing it up now.

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Thank you Tim!

Case : CS0003950690


Thanks. I tagged myself in that case, and i am watching it.


We went round on thus too. If we did a percent on every, all went thru fine. Once tou did an amount on every it was skewed. We ended up w logic to make sure amount and every weren’t selected together.

I think this is also complicated by sales orders having releases and headers with misc charges and invoices only at the line level.

Here we go @timshuwy I knew it was coming. But

"Working as design
Based on the current logic results achieved are expected per steps provided, this functionality has not been changed since 10.2.700.40, therefore, the charge will be added to every line at invoice, however they can be manually deleted.
Since this could/would change the way the misc. charges works/generates for the Invoice, and might change the way a lot of customers works, this would require an enhancement request through an Idea in AHA. "

While I agree it will change the way it works for “a lot of customers” I would also argue that most if not all of those customers aren’t aware it works this way and they are getting accidentally shot in the foot.

Also IF what @JennL says is correct I haven’t tried it that means that with percentages it works but not with amount? That’s an insane “Feature”

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So we are being told y development that the following behavior is “working as designed”

Order Setup:

Order Qty: 10
Unit Price: $10
Misc Charge: $10 / Every notice how the total price shows
$110 dollars

Packing Slip 1:

Ship all 10 items from one lot and one bin in a single packing line


Customer Charged Total: $ 110
Goods: $100
Misc Charge: 10
Total Items Shipped in Packing Slip: 10

Packing Slip 2:

Ship 5 items from one lot and 5 items from another lot in the same packing slip.
(Can’t help how inventory is laid out)


Customer Charged Total: $ 120
Goods: $100
Misc Charge: 20
Total Items Shipped in Packing Slip: 10

So same quantity if items shipped and part numbers in the same packing slip but hey we just made an extra 10 bucks… COOL “DESIGN”

Packing Slip 3:

Ship all 10 items from the same lot but in different bins. 5 and 3 and 2 (warehouses are messy)


Customer Charged Total: $ 130
Goods: $100
Misc Charge: 30
Total Items Shipped in Packing Slip: 10

Same quantity again but I picked from different bins cause warehouses in real life are messy… I made a cool 20 extra bucks #GoProfits

Packing Slip 4:

Ship all 10 items from the same lot and the same bin but in separate shipment lines cause now I know how to maximize profits #YEAH BABY #ImGettingAPromotion


Customer Charged Total: $ 200
Goods: $100
Misc Charge: 100
Total Items Shipped in Packing Slip: 10
I shipped the same 10 items out of inventory with the same efforts in the same packing slip in the same shipping truck.

So basically my customer gets charged a different amount every time we ship based on the whims of the CSR, Inventory, Warehouse Setup, Time of Day and Moon Phase i’m sure the customer will totally understand when I explain to them this logic.

In a single transaction shipping a Qty of 10 of the same exact part at the same time with the same setup my customer got charged $110,$120,$130 or $200 based solely on how the inventory was laid out in the warehouse and which lucky lot my picker picked on the hand held.

I am sorry but this is clearly a bug you can call it a feature or working as designed but this is a BUG with a capital B. Maybe it has been around since 10.2.700 and if you wanna save face call it a :poop::poop: design but either way it should be fixed or giant claxons should go off every time someone selects “every” at the line level :postal_horn::postal_horn::postal_horn::postal_horn:

BTW I did try the percentage setup and it behaved the same way.

I will NOT be putting in an Idea on AHA for a

BUG :bug::bug::bug::bug::bug:


Jose, working as designed doesn’t mean working well. Keep pushing and hopefully they will understand the design was wrong and it’s a bug.
I advocated for a fix to order bookings that were working as designed. You know how persistent I can be :joy:

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TLDR so what’s the Idea number so I can go vote?

I’m still waiting for the salesreplist to be reimplemented.

I actually agree with Epicor on this one, working as designed. The design can certainly be improved to include more granularity for Sales Order Header/Line/Release and Shipment Lines, but it is doing what it says (IMHO). The SO Acknowledgement will never be accurate since one cannot predict the future. There is actually a need for the way this is currently working as a company could ship 4 pieces of equipment (that each require 1 flatbed each) that needs to put a fuel surcharge or handling charge for each truck. :man_shrugging:

@josecgomez, why not put the charge on the Header then? That would give you one charge per packing slip.

I opened the same issue up with epicor a few months ago.

I got hit with the infamous “as designed” response. (and had to put an ideas post out)

My issue was when you couple the every frequency with the percentage based misc charge.

Every time there is a different ship by date, it adds a misc charge percent based on the entire order instead of what was supposed to ship.

Invoicing with the percent was fine, the only place that showed the bad data was order entry multiplying every thing out substantially.