We have a number of Suppliers who have a minimum order value (currency). Is there a way to accommodate this in Epicor?
There is a Minimum Order Value field in Supplier Maintenance, also for each part on the price break table.
Supplier record has a “Minimum Order Value” field.
haha… beat me to it.
Minimum Order Value
Specifies the lowest total amount allowed for any purchase order placed with this supplier. This field helps you avoid making small purchases that are below your company’s normal order quantity from this supplier.
This value is compared with the total PO value. If this value is less than the amount displayed on the supplier record, a warning message is displayed:
Purchase Order Total of is below the minimum value of .
Note, however, that this warning does not prevent you from finishing the purchase order.
As noted above, there is an option at the Supplier level.
If you need to do it on a Supplier Part level, you can set a minimum on the Supplier Price List.
Thank you, we are aware of the ability to modify at the part level.
What tab in Supplier Maintenance is the MOV found?
Ha! right there in front of me.
Thank you to all!