Min Max Safety Mass Update PSA

Math is hard. Any takers on why this isn’t working. I know the answer but I’m curious if anyone else has noticed this. The math changed between 600.0 and 600.26

@jgiese.wci I am going to go with What is a change from calendar days to working days for $50.

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This change should have been from the very first version of 10.2.600, it wasn’t changed as part of an update.

I am going with @gpayne’s guess… if you assume that weekends are removed, 180 days turns into approx 128 days.
4402/180 = 24
4402/128 = 34
Hmmm… wondering if someone “improved” the calculation?

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@timshuwy you got it exactly. It looks at the site and then company calendar. The help doesn’t indicate that, so at first glance it’s pretty confusing. Additionally the stated formula in my screenshot is showing the if as an AND but it’s actually an OR.

I can see the reason behind this change but I’m conflicted on it. Anyone know if in the 700+ versions the method CalculateSelected is available for BPM modification? Current workaround to get it to calculate the way we are looking for is to update the company calendar to 24/7 but that’s not the reality of our shipping operation.

You are correct I thought my copy of the source dump was 600 but it’s 400 I just double checked.

It doesn’t appear on 600? Signature is the same, I do remember there were some restrictions as to the parameters and that was why some method would not appear for customization, but this one seems to be standard.


This is all i’m getting on this. My guess is 700+ has it when processes and stuff started getting thrown in the mix.

I recently noticed that vendor lead times use working days instead of calendar days. This may not have changed recently, but it was a surprise to us because it seems like vendors would account for their own work schedule in their stated lead times. The solution is to set up another calendar in which every day is a work day, and assign it to all vendors.

There’s too many changes to the bpm code to know what could have possibly changed for this specific method to suddenly appear.

But testing on our environments it seems to be available starting on 11.1.100, or 2021.1

Vendor lead times USED to use calendar days… I had not heard that this was changed to using the calendar, but that was always a complaint in the past. Maybe this is a new feature that was added. If it was, then this explains why Min/Max/Safety was adjusted as well.