MICR Check Symbols Suddenly Printing Too Close Together

After many many months of wrangling we (with Epicor support’s help) were finally able to get our MICR checks to print successfully from Epicor 10.

It has been smooth sailing for many months since… but now the MICR symbols at the bottom of every check are suddenly printing too close together. The bank is rejecting the checks as they can’t be scanned by their equipment.

We haven’t touched the MICR SSRS report since we got it working. We’re still printing to the same printer from the same workstation.

Soon I will try updating the printer drivers, or rolling-back the drivers in case they updated themselves.

Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help.

  1. Can you send us your MICRChk.rdl?
  2. What MICR Font are you using?
  3. Also which version of Epicor are you on?

Thanks for the speedy response.

Here you go…

We are running on Epicor 10.1.600.27.

MICRChkPrint.rdl (250.6 KB)

GnuMICR-0.30.zip (40.7 KB)

Can you take a picture / screenshot what you mean by close.

In addition, if you have a Test Environment can you go and create a Dummy Payment Group and Print to another Client Printer. You could even Print to an PDF Printer which will create a PDF.

Have you used GnuMICR-0.30 all this time? It looks like a few more folks overall have some issues with this font. The Creator even states

I have not had this font professionally tested. Use this font at your own risk! MICR printing is a very tricky business, and it requires a very good printer and magnetic (MICR) toner to do it properly

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By the way this is the Font I use with Wells Fargo MICR E13-B Font for check printing

You can see here that the symbols are too close together.


We’ve used the GnuMICR font from the beginning, but I will give your other font recommendation a whirl.

Thank you for your suggestions!

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Your RDL font size for those are set at 11.8pt – maybe it has trouble figuring its text-spacing try going to just 12pt. Odd if you have used it all this time and it just started.

Changing the font size was one of my guesses too, but it didn’t make a difference.

Our Director of Finance has scoured over the bank statements that include scans of all the MICR checks.

She found that the last good check was printed on 10-17-18. The first bad check was printed on 10-22-18.

I looked at the Epicor server and Microsoft Updates were installed 10-21-18.

Those updates were the only thing that changed, so that’s what I’m blaming for this weird behavior.

Are you printing directly to the printer or do you have someone view the checks and then submit to the printer?

What Format - EMF or PDF - are you selecting when submitting the check run? If PDF and Manually submitting to the printer, it is the PDF Viewer doing the printing so any updates to that (usually Adobe) would also be suspect.

Also if using PDF - are you sure that you did not use EMF prior to the problem starting?

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She prints the checks directly to the printer without first viewing them.

She always uses EMF as Epicor discovered a year ago that if EMF is not used then the MICR symbols on the checks print too far from the bottom edge of the page.

@SugaredRiotPoof did you resolve it?

Nope. I’ve got Epicor support looking at it… well, they’ve been looking at it for months…

Thanks for checking.

All I can still recommend is try a diff MICR Font, download the Trial MICR E13-B Font for check printing

Also they do recommend 12.5pt now as font size.

Thanks. I think I’ll give that a try.

We use MICRE13B as our MICR font and our bank is BofA. I just finished updating the new report RDL with 10.2.300.7 before going live. We use the MICR RDL and configure the MICR font using the MICR check printer maintenance. It has been so long since I configured this in the Industry Extension in 10.1.400.30 I can’t remember the maintenance screen, but I know there is one. You may want to try reinstalling the font on the workstation. Also, we send directly to the printer from process payments. No previewing at all.

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same here we use MICRE13B installed on SSRS Server Only. Works Great.

Hey, thanks everyone, especially hasokeric for the help with this issue.

Buying the MICR Font you suggested and reinstalling it on her workstation and the server has resolved the issue.

Thanks so much for your time!


Could you send your RDL jeowings? We are having the same issue and are 10.2.300.14.