I would be interested in finding out if others are having the
following log entries being logged to your MfgSysTaskAgent.server.log
[08/04/10@17:56:30.117-0500] P-003180 T-005388 1 AS -- DECRYPT
error:0606506D:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal:wrong final
block length:
Since upgrading from .305K to .404A this event error is continually
being written to this log file every 5 seconds. No other indication
that there is any problem with Vantage as our business simulations
have ran fine. A NEW blank database does not cause this problem, only
a converted/upgraded database.
If you can find the time to peek at your log file and provide feedback
would be greatly appreciated.
following log entries being logged to your MfgSysTaskAgent.server.log
[08/04/10@17:56:30.117-0500] P-003180 T-005388 1 AS -- DECRYPT
error:0606506D:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal:wrong final
block length:
Since upgrading from .305K to .404A this event error is continually
being written to this log file every 5 seconds. No other indication
that there is any problem with Vantage as our business simulations
have ran fine. A NEW blank database does not cause this problem, only
a converted/upgraded database.
If you can find the time to peek at your log file and provide feedback
would be greatly appreciated.