Trying to understand how to set up an operation where we run 4 pieces at a time that equals 7 minutes of setup and 10 minutes of total run time.
Is there a way to do this at the method level so costs can be distributed properly? Or am I approaching this the wrong way?
Labor cost: $50
I expect to see a cost of $8.08 per unit.
Setup Hours = 0.12 Run time Hours Per Piece = 0.0416 (10 minutes for a batch of 4)
(0.12 + 0.0416) * 50 = $8.08.
I can’t seem to find a standard format that would suit my needs. To add to the confusion, we run 104 pieces at a given time on a job. That equals to 26 setups (104/4). Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
If this were me, I would set up the following:
Part Entry > Part Plant > Manufacturing Lot Size: Set this to 104 (your job size)
Engineering Workbench - Method > Operation: Set Addl Setup Qty = 4 and Addl Setup Hours = 0.12. Also set Est Setup Hours = 0.12.
For the cycle time, I would set the Prod. Std. to 10 Minutes / Cycle and then set the Pcs/Cycle to 4. This should let Epicor do the math to figure out it takes 10 minutes to make 4 parts.
EDIT: It looks like you can only select Cycles/Minute or Cycles/Hour, so I would put in 6 Cycles/Hour here.
The additional Setup Qty and Hours allows Epicor to add setup time to the job based on the Production Qty. See here for another example of that.