Method setup for accurate Cost/Minutes Per Piece with batching production/min/max

Trying to understand how to set up an operation where we run 4 pieces at a time that equals 7 minutes of setup and 10 minutes of total run time.

Is there a way to do this at the method level so costs can be distributed properly? Or am I approaching this the wrong way?

Labor cost: $50

I expect to see a cost of $8.08 per unit.

Setup Hours = 0.12 Run time Hours Per Piece = 0.0416 (10 minutes for a batch of 4)

(0.12 + 0.0416) * 50 = $8.08.

I can’t seem to find a standard format that would suit my needs. To add to the confusion, we run 104 pieces at a given time on a job. That equals to 26 setups (104/4). Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

If this were me, I would set up the following:
Part Entry > Part Plant > Manufacturing Lot Size: Set this to 104 (your job size)

Engineering Workbench - Method > Operation: Set Addl Setup Qty = 4 and Addl Setup Hours = 0.12. Also set Est Setup Hours = 0.12.

For the cycle time, I would set the Prod. Std. to 10 Minutes / Cycle and then set the Pcs/Cycle to 4. This should let Epicor do the math to figure out it takes 10 minutes to make 4 parts.

EDIT: It looks like you can only select Cycles/Minute or Cycles/Hour, so I would put in 6 Cycles/Hour here.

The additional Setup Qty and Hours allows Epicor to add setup time to the job based on the Production Qty. See here for another example of that.

Hi Tyler, this approach seemed to have worked. Thank you so much for taking the time to investigate and respond to my issue.