Classic UX
I am using one of the UD tables (Ice.UD04) to store data. I am also using the UD04 Maintenance to update the values. I am trying to use the field Date01 to store the current date whenever a row gets updated or inserted. I have created a post-processing Method Directive on Ice.BO.UD04.Update using Set Field to assign BpmFunc.Today() to Date01. This does not work or I should say it works sometimes, the odd time the date will update. Is there a better way to do this?
You’re hooked into the Update method. You want to update your data BEFORE the Update method fires. Change this to a Pre-Processing Directive and you should be good.
Edit: For clarification, you CAN do this via a Post Processing Directive, but it’s more complicated than doing it before.
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Thanks, changing to Pre-Processing did what I need.