Method Directive to check PO Release Lock Date and Lock Qty checkboxes

I am attempting to auto check the PO Release Lock Date and Lock Qty checkboxes when a new PO Release is created. I was successful in creating a Method Directive for GetNewPORel which checks both when using File > New > New Release.

My issue is when I first create the PO line and the initial release is generated at save - my Method Directive does not work. I got around this by adding a Data Directive to set these but wondering what I am doing wrong with the Method Directive. Any Thoughts?

Sreen shots of the Method Directive being used:

It just doesn’t look like the GetNewPORel method gets called when a new line is added. The release gets made from some other method. Maybe GetNewPODetail creates it, not sure.

I am using the following data directive:



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Thank you for sharing!