Method Directive (base access) to Update Days Out in EngWorkBench

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I am new to Method Directives, so please bare with me. I have been given a list of Part numbers that need to have their subcontract Days Out updated. Manually doing this will take forever and I do not have the ability to make updateable BAQ or Developer mode. Learning to use Method Directives to mass update/change parts would make my job so much easier.

Hence, I have been learning as much as I can on Method and Data Directives, but there is still a lot I am missing or not understanding. I have built several versions of both Pre and Post processing Directives. I have successfully checked out a revision to the Engineering workbench based on the part number in a query, but I haven’t learned how to cycle through the query.

Now I just need to learn the best way to cycle through a query of part numbers, check them out to a workbench, update the Days Out, check it back in and repeat. I should note that I have base access to these Directives, so some of the options are not available to me. I know this is still possible, just hoping someone can help me speed up the learning process here and give me some direction to help guide me to accomplishing this task/objective.

Thank you in advance ^.^

probably one of the harder (and possibly more dangerous) than allowing you to write updatable dashboards. This type of BPM is not for the faint-of-heart. Just the process of checking out - changing- approving - and checking in takes some programming and sequencing of events to be perfectly executed.
Have you considered using DMT instead? If you did that, you could create a BAQ that exports all the BOMS that need updated… then in Excel, you could update them. Then use DMT to import them all back in again.

Dang it, I was afraid of that. I don’t have the ability to do a DMT and I highly doubt my IT department would grant me access to it either. I guess I could see if I could be granted access to create updateable BAQ’s, if you highly recommend not doing the update using Method Directives. This is what I currently have access to.