This Thanksgiving I wanted to give a special thanks to the operators and contributors of this site. It has truly made my job a lot easier. I am very grateful for this forum, and I just wanted to express that.
This Thanksgiving I wanted to give a special thanks to the operators and contributors of this site. It has truly made my job a lot easier. I am very grateful for this forum, and I just wanted to express that.
@jcraft I agree, I went from knowing nothing about Epicor 10 a little over a year ago to having some substantial knowledge, I do agree that this forum has been a true life saver. The users on this forum are outstanding and everyone provides help out of there busy days. Thanks to everyone!
Yea thanks, it wasnt long ago I had a nice calm job working on Epicor. Now I get to pull clumps of gray hair out while banging my head against a desk as a consultant All jokes aside, this community really is EPIC! Many thanks to the admin, the users, the consultants and Epicor employees!