MES Work Queue Customization

Has anyone found a simple way to add a column to the Work Queues in MES?

I have a UD field in JobHead that I would like to add, but from my searching, it appears that the only way to do this is to build new BAQ’s to replicate the views that the queues use and the bind those BAQ’s to the data grids. Has anyone had success doing this and maintaining the functionality of the Job Details tab?

I can’t take credit for this, that belongs to @Jason_Woods and @Rick_Bird.

Create a Post Processing BPM on WorkQueue.GetOpsInResourceGroup to load your data into one of the generic fields that are in the WorkQueue dataview.


Thanks for the push in the right direction. I had looked at the Shortchar fields, and had seen that they were not linked to a table, but didn’t make the jump to the idea that I could apply values to them in-memory. Quick and easy!

Can you elaborate on this solution?

I am trying to do something very similar.

Here’s a screenshot of the post-processing BPM I created on WorkQueue.GetOpsInResourceGroup. It copies the value of my UD field to ttWorkQueue.ShortChar01.

Then I customized the WorkQueues to add the ShortChar01 field.

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Perfect thank you so much.

What a crazy solution.

If you have a better solution - I’m always willing to learn. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nah I guess I should clarify, what a crazy, cool, out of the box solution.

I would have never thought of that.

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