MES Main Menu customization deployment why does it require sysconfig file modification

We are running Epicor 10.1.400.38. I need to deploy one simple customization to all my MES users. I do NOT want to deploy multiple customizations to my MES users.

  1. Created and testing the customization (completed)

  2. I created a custom menu (process) item using:
    Program: Erp.Menu.Mes.dll
    Customization: MyCustomization_
    MenuID: UDMES

  3. I also created an entry in the Process Call Maintenance screen for::
    Called Process Reference: Erp.Menu.Mes.MESMenu
    Called Form: Left it blank
    Menu ID: UDMES

However, this alone does not work until I modified the client .sysconfig file.

Why is this necessary? The Process Call Maintenance screen already reference the Menu ID and the Menu ID already referenced the customization created.

This is not very convenient, do I have to go to each MES client and changed the .sysconfig file?

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I agree this is inconvenient, but you will have to re-deploy the .sysconfig file to each workstation. In the past I’ve used powershell to automate this task.

I don’t have a definitive answer as to why this is, but I was in a situation once where 3 different MES stations required 3 different MES menus based on the capabilities of the resource group. So by setting the MES menu in the .sysconfig, I could have multiple menus for multiple MESs stations.

I can understand and appreciate the need to modify the .sysconfig to deploy more than one customization. However, in my case I just need to deploy the same customization. This is very odd indeed.

Have you looked at using a terminal server setup for MES? That way you only have to update one sysconfig for all users and only have to keep one client install updated. Much more convenient and efficient.

Thank for your idea. That would required licensing cost, planning, and deployment. It would be more cost effective to just re-install the client after making the changes to the server .sysconfig file. Epicor support believes its a known bug with the MES software.

According to support, this is how the software is designed. However, you can modify the server .sysconfig file with the reference to the custom MES menu and push to the clients using the autoupdate process.

Yes when you customize the Main MES Menu you need it in .sysconfig.

They are right you can modify the .sysconfig on the Server and trigger a AutoUpdate, AS Long as the section you are modifying (the key) is not within the ‘userSettings’ section it will overwrite it. If its in the userSettings section, it will not overwrite/sync that section.