MES job receipt to Mobile warehouse movements

hi Folks
I am playing around with MES job receipts and emww to put away Parts as they are produced, so far i haven’t stumbled on the right solution for us.

Currently, we have zero warehouse structure setup in Epicor so our jobs Auto receive to Bin01 (1 of the 2 locations our warehouse currently have) and this is the same bin that stock gets picked and shipped from.

Future plans, each part will have a primary Bin location…

so in testing with primary bins, Auto receipt moves the part immediately to the primary Bin location - not good, as i want the forklift driver to complete that movement via emww.

so i switch Auto receipt off, and now the MES job receipt doesn’t book the part in at all physically - (where does it actually record that receipt? as in where can i see the non physically receipted jobs?) and now the driver can use EMWW Job receipt to Inventory to review the job and move the part to a location.

what i would prefer is,
Auto receipt to not pick up the primary bin of the part, but to move it to the “out bin” defined in the resource group - Bin01, and from there have a material queue record to move it from Bin01 to the Primary location

is that possible?

anyone any suggestions for me?

thanks again


Auto Receipt will receive to the Primary BIN. You don’t have any non-custom options here.

I’m not sure what this means. Job receipt to inventory does exactly that, receives parts from a job into inventory. You specify a wh/bin for the quantity to go into when performing the transaction.

Unless you are talking about the operator reporting quantity VIA Report quantity or End Activity. In this case, if the part is not set to auto receive the quantity will be in WIP until relieved by a job receipt.

hi hacka
that is pretty basic re primary bin move, not sure what busy warehouse could actually use that, but i am possibly missing something…

point 2 what i meant, once auto receipt is off, the part is as you say sits in WIP, the physical receipt is then down to the forklift driver to book the stock in and move it to location using “job receipt to Inventory”, might work for us, but i see issues with that as well


On the Resource Group/Resource, there is a check-box for “Auto Move”. If checked, any completed work automatically moves to the designated Out Bin.

I’m not sure if you can have the system automatically add a material move request or not. You may still need to manually enter that. But I’m pretty sure the “Auto Move” checkbox is what pushes the completed part to the Out Bin.

Reporting quantity puts the WIP into the output BIN of the resource. Auto-Move will auto move the quantity from the out BIN of the reporting resource into the input BIN of the resource scheduled to perform the next operation (if there is one).

@malraff I agree Auto-Receipt has too many limitations for most applications. Like most things that happen automatically in Epicor, a lot of things have to be true and static and predictable for it to be useful. When you are talking about multiple parts/resources/operations/bins/etc it gets hard.

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Hi David
that would have been good, but unfortunately not the case when the part has a primary Bin, the part is automatically put into the PBin instead

as yes now i see the WIP! cheers for that. ok lets see if i can sell that idea :slight_smile:

Gotcha… thanks Garret!

Also note here that if you dont use auto-move, you can use the material request queue to transact the movement from out bin to wherever,

also consider Pull as assembly (if you are using that) and letting the EMWW/EKW app do the thinking regards transaction types - supporting the operator on the Forklift not having to “think” just act.