MES Comments

Is there any way in MES for the operator to input comments DURING production, WITHOUT having to End Activity and create Notes? The Job Comments, Assembly Comments, and Operations Comments are read-only (even if Prevent Changes is unchecked in Company Configuration), so I’m assuming it would only be available via customization (and probably into a UD table).

IDEALLY the client would like to do this from Kinetic MES, but I recommended he not hold is breath.

I don’t have the ability to check right now, but is there something in Work Queue?

It doesn’t look like you can modify any comments from MES or the Work Queue. I would suggest an Updateable Dashboard that you launch from MES that you could edit the comments field of the Job Header table. It seems like you should be able to launch using the current active job as the search parameter but I have never done that before. If you go this route, you would not need a UD table. Just use the existing Comments field.


@jkane: everything I see in the Work Queue is read-only (both legacy MES and Kinetic)
@eandres: is it possible to add such a dashboard to Kinetic MES? That was the train of thought I was following for legacy MES (possibly a UD table instead of JobHead or JobAsmbl so multiple employees could leave multiple notes), but I don’t see any way to attach that functionality to Kinetic MES.

@Ernie I do not have any experience with the Kinetic stuff so I cannot answer your question. You could certainly use a UD table, especially if you wanted to track who was making the comment and when.

I suspect that the End activity job notes field could be added to the work queue screen or the Report Quantity screen. That would let you see the last notes and add more if you needed to.

Not sure what the desired end result is.


The client asked that if, during the production process (after clocking into an operation but before ending activity), the operator could enter some type of notes or comments that could be seen by others. Technically, there could easily be more than one “note” on a single operation by a single operator (as in this organization a single operator would work on a single operation for up to 10 hours in a day).

I couldn’t find anything out of the box to handle this, and was wondering if anyone had come across this request before.

What about the Memo on Job Tracker?