Merging two live sites into one

Our company has two sites moving to a new larger single facility.

I am trying to figure out how best to go about merging two live sites into one. There are also four other active sites, all of which have planned transactions with the merging sites. Our jobs are active for about 3 months, so there are a lot of open sales orders, jobs, purchase orders and transfer orders.

I am aware of the Shared Warehouse, Transfer Warehouse and Transfer Resource Group config in Site Config. I am assuming these tools are built for this purpose, but struggling to find any documentation on them.

Does anyone have any prior experience with a situation like this?

We are on 10.2.700

Have you already seen this Tech Ref Guide

I have, although it was a while ago, is probably worth reading through again. Thank you for the reminder

Is one site being “moved” to the other existing one? Or are sites A and B both moving to new site C? If it’s the latter, there are pros and cons to making a new site C, vs renaming one of A or B as C and moving the other into the “new” site C.

We had to move a site from one state to another. Turned out it was easier keep the site and just update the Desription, addresses and bins. The lone warehouse for that site was updated similarly.

The main reason for doing that instead of making a new site, was that there doesn’t appear to be a way to deactivate a site. If there is, and you find out, please let us know.

Yes, current plan is to keep one site and change it’s address. So site A will still be site A. I just need to find a way to move the stock, warehouses, resources and the different types of orders from B to A.

If I can’t find a way to do it in the live system, then I think my only other option is to take the system offline, export all the data, prepare a load of DMT files and then use DMT to wind down site B and any other planned transactions between site B and the other sites. Then update site A to effectively migrate B into it. It would be months of work to plan and test.

When you say move the “new A” is a different building that will have different bins than the “current A”? If so, I’d consider the following for the materials aspects.

  1. Create a new warehouse(C) for Site A. This will be the primary warehouse for the new consolidated site
  2. Create Bins for the locations in warehouse C
  3. Create Transfer Orders to move inventory form site B’s warehouses to warehouse C
  4. Create Transfer Shipments from warehouse B to warehouse C.
  5. Create Transfer Receipts at warehouse C. Inventory originally in site B’s warehouses are now in site A (Which will later be reamed site C), warehouse C.
  6. Do inventory transfers from Site A’s original warehouse(s) to warehouse C. This would best be done via DMT.
  7. Update site A’s name, address, primary warehouse, etc… to be how “new site C” should be.
  8. Update the part plant info in what is now Site C, to use warehouse C.

I don’t think a warehouse or bins can be deleted after having been referenced. So setup BPMs to prevent the old warehouses from being used on PO’s, inventory transfers, etc…

Someone else will have to give you pointers on moving manufacturing resources. We only had one mfg facility, and our other sites were really just warehouses (but corporate required them to be different sites). So when we moved a site, it was strictly inventory.