I am trying to prevent some users from opening various screens from the TaskList form when they use the Context Menu triggered by a right-click.
Using Menu Maintenance I find the Menu ID that the Context Menu triggers and change security to not allow the user access - this works as expected and the user is prompted with “Menu ID SEMN1045 is not valid for the current user.”
However, if I perform exactly the same process on a different Menu ID that can be opened from the Context Menu - the form will still load despite the user not having access.
Is there an additional step or steps I am missing for some Menu IDs?
Or, can I disbale the Context Menu completely for certain users?
The permissions are controlled per security code not per screen. It’s hard to understand exactly what is happening without screenshots but I would suspect the user does in fact have access to the menu id they are launching via the context menu, because disallowing them on the one security code attached to the first menu id would do nothing to prevent access via the context menu if that is using a different security code.
If a user doesn’t have access to what is opened from the option, then they will be blocked from opening it. (though it will still display as an option)
I’m not sure what the BPM Holds thing is for in this example, it doesn’t display for me when I right click on a Work Force ID. But for Work Force Entry, those that are on the CRM license can’t open Work Force Entry since that menu item is not available to them.