The security model has a few Menu IDs that share Security IDs between two hierarchical levels - Parent folder and child app. Not very helpful imho. Changing the parent to wide open also sets the child wide open, and conversely, setting the child to a restrictive sec group(s) closes access to seeing other apps in the folder parent to those not in the allowed sec group(s). This has been a issue since E9.
if I’m going to create a UD Menu SecID, which is better, in terms of upgrade survive-ability - to apply that UD SecID to the parent folder (this is my current thinking) and keep the Epicor defined SecID scoped to the child app or apply the UD SecID to the child app and leave the Epicor defined SecID to the parent folder? Is there a better and a worse approach? Or is the upgrade process able to proceed regardless?
Hey @Henry_Burke just wondering how you went with this as I am having the same issue.
For every new menu item I create a new USEC0001 (incremental) and I dont touch the parent folders.
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Yes, we resorted to creating separate Sec IDs (in the security tab and then copy that new sec ID to the child SecID field) for any Children that by default share the same Sec ID with the parent.
The kids have gotta leave the nest some time after all.
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Thanks Henry, yes that is what we ended up doing. It wasn’t intuitive though, took a bit to work out how to do it.
For clarification, the shared Sec IDs I am making reference to are ‘out of the box’, at installation and not on newly menuIDs I might be creating. I just wanted to clarify this so any future readers understands the reason and nature of my original question and why it seems so bizarre that Epicor had structured it as such with a new installation. It is true only for a very few Menu IDs so my guess is it is a mistake that has yet to be cleared up, but I wanted to know if there WAS a reason for this parent and child shared Sec ID situation. Also, there are other child menu IDs under that same parent that do not share the parent’s menu id.