Menu Maintenance Question/Weirdness

Epicor 10.1.600.8 upgraded from 8.03

We were having an issue of customizations we are doing not showing up in the drop down in menu maintenance for the part maint screen. What we discovered is the epicor ‘out of the box’ menus, none of them have a company identifier in the ‘owning company’ field. But when we created a new menu item for part maint. it populated this field with our company name and it then showed our customizations in the dropdown. Has anyone else come across something like this? So the way were able to get the customizations to show for out of the box menus was to select the ‘all companies’ checkbox when we saved the customization.

This is the field that is showing blank for out of the box menu items in menu maintenance:


Hi Abe,

Yes we have had the same problems with getting customizations available for dropdown in 10.1.600.5. Upon seeing others in this group write about similar issues (i.e. post called Menu Maintenance - All Fields Greyed Out) we saved all of our customizations for All Companies and then clicked all companies on the menu maintenance per your screenshot above. This fixed our problems with deploying the customizations and having them run when clicked by user. Fortunately we don’t have more than one company in the system :slight_smile:


Hmm Interesting. Almost looks like this could be a upgrade bug in 10.1?

When importing the form, select All Companies, and it’ll work. It did for us going from 10.1.500 to 10.1.600 at least.

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What you need to solve this problem is Duplicate the Menu Item in Action, that way it will “duplicated” just for the actual company and you will see the customs that are for that company.