Menu Maintenance odd behavior

I was wondering if anyone else has seen this…

I have a security group. The security group is assigned the ability to see a folder (such as Accounts Payable > General Operations). I then assign the security group to various menu items under the folder. That works fine.

But I’m running into one particular menu item, Accounts Payable > General Operations > Netting Transaction Entry, where when I remove the security group for just that item, the system also removes the security group from the Accounts Payable > General Operations folder, even though I did nothing to make that happen. There are other items inside that menu item folder (General Operations) which should be shown.

Anyone else run in to this?

They likely share the same security code which can be seen on the security tab for the item.


@hmwillett you are correct sir! I never imagined that they would somehow share the same security code.

Thank you!

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That is why we try to always have a 1:1 relationship, for example everytime we make a new Dashboard it gets a new USEC001 (incremental security id to go with it).