Menu Erp.UI.TimePhasEntry cannot be launched in the browser. The Kinetic form or Epicor Web Access is unavailable

When I try to open the Application Studio for the Time Phased Inquiry, while being in a browser, it doesn’t work. Is there any reason? I created a new menu, tried from Application Studio directly and I always get the same error. As far as I know, it’s the only menu that I cannot customize

If I open if from the Desktop App, it works for some reason but I was wondering what I can activate to make it work


You probably have customizations on your Time Phased classic screen. You can add a new menu item that calls the Kinetic app but it will not contain your customizations.

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I already created a new menu and it,s not working:

And by this you mean what? You don’t see your customizations? That could be because all customizations might not convert, especially when using code in your customization. You get an error message? If so, please post.

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I mean that I get the error that I posted in my first post on this thread

I cannot open Application Studio for the Time Phase in my web browser

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If you go to Menu Maintenance for the exact item of Time Phase that you’re launching, what does it look like? Can you post a screenshot?

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That’s the screenshot that i sent 6 hours ago (3rd comment in this thread). Also, as far as I know, Application Studio doesn’t open a menu but an App so it seems like it’s related to the Application

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What happens if you launch Time Phase Inquiry in the browser and then choose Application Studio?

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Exactly the same error message. Here is an example:

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I can’t reproduce this with 2023.1. Must be something new. I am assuming you’re running as Security Manager too? I’ve seen others say that if you don’t have access to the entire Menu path, you can get this error. For Application Studio, that’s only System Management. But you can run Application Studio for others. Yeah, I’d report this.


Yeah, I tried in 2022 and 2023.1 and both had the same problem.Yes my account is Security Manager. I’ll try to change my access to all menus but yes I’ll report it to support I guess. Thanks for the help !

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Hi Steven,

You ever get a response? I’m getting this same error for Quote Entry. I was just using it in App Studio the other day, now I can’t get back in.

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same but for ReceiptEntry

Well I didn’t have time to report it to support but I got an idea this morning and just tested in Firefox. For some reasons, it actually works:

But the same menu doesn’t work in Chrome that’s really weird:

Interesting. I don’t have Firefox. I tried both Chrome and Edge and they both failed.

I was getting this error. What solved it for me was changing the menu item type from “Kinetic App” to “Menu Item”. This does seem to be fixed in our Pilot environment.


I’m late to the game, but I found that I had to delete the copy of the menu for every instance of the app (I was working with Job Tracker). Once all of the copies of the menu were gone, I could open Application Studio for Job Tracker.

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