Menu arguments for handhelds

I’ve seen a couple posts around the contents of the column. The report argument -r has me baffled, from a Handheld standpoint at least. I see menu items like Unpick Sales Order and Intercompany PO Receipt that have the arguments for example -formName HHUnpickSalesOrder -r HH

As I understand it -r refers to the report style e.g in Rebate Contract Transactions the argument is -r RebateTrans. What I can’t understand is the -r HH entries as there is no report style of HH. Am I safe to assume this is another quirk of the Handheld implementaton and the -r should be replaced with the correct report style or it’s a reminder to the developer there is a print/action button on the Handheld form?

Any insight into this would be appreciated.

An EpicorCare KB has been created for this… So for posterity here it is.

You need to log into Epicare to access this. The other thing to note and it is not mentioned in the KB that you can update the arguments field using DMT…Use at your own risk you can break things.