Memory Error?

Today when I opened the Epicor Modern client (desktop application). After I put in my password, I got the error in the attached screenshot. It did not stop me from opening or using Epicor. I don’t notice any issues so far. Should I be concerned about this error? What does it mean, and why am I getting it?
I have submitted it to support. Just curious what the community thinks.

EOBrowser is the embedded browser UX, I believe. If you’re using classic screens, I’m not sure it would affect you.
That’s about all I can offer, though. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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From Support:


Verify that your antivirus is not blocking the EpiEOBrowser.exe file from starting. Typically this would be done by adding the file EpiEOBrowser.exe to your antivirus software’s white list/trusted Windows programs list.

See Knowledge Article KB0073235 for other Epicor application and URLs that should also be whitelisted.