Materials in WIP even after jobs are completed and closed

We have many old closed jobs that display all of the material part locations as WIP. The materials were mass issued to the jobs just like always and usually when the parts are shipped from the job then the WIP is cleared. The full production quantity was completed on the job.
What would cause the parts to remain in WIP?

WIP isn’t a location or holding place for materials. It is really a concept for Accounting for the material costs.

When you issue materials to a job:

  1. Inv QOH is decreased
  2. The GL for Inventory is Credited by the value of those materials issued to the job
  3. The GL for WIP is Debited by the value of those materials issued to the job

So WIP really only holds costs…

When the Job is received into inventory

  1. Inv QOH of what was made is increased
  2. The GL for Inventory is Debited by the cost of that job. This has lots of driving factors (like Cost method). If you don’t track labor, and you cost method is LAST or AVG, the amount credited to Inventor equals the exact amount from step 2 when the material was issued.
  3. The GL for WIP is Credited by the same amount as step 2.

Now if more materials are issued to the job after it’s received (or shipped), those costs remain “orphaned” until the job is closed. Upon closing the job, those extra costs should hit a Variance GL account.

Run the WIP Recon report, filtered for just the job in question.

I think everything is correct on the accounting side. I verified that the material was issued before the job was shipped.
Why is part tracker>part locations>WIP still showing that job? Is there a way to prevent that or should I just ignore it since the GL transactions are correct?

Someone just named a bin ‘Production’. That’s probably the location selected when the receipt to inventory was done.


Whoops… Misread your post.

Look at the Part Tran History for that part (the component). To see if any trans happened after it was issued to the job (ex: like a return Mtl, and then re-issued)

I don’t see any extra transactions. This is possibly our most used material so I am wondering if they get stuck occasionally in WIP just like serial number status is wrong sometimes.

My PartWIP table (where that info on the Part Tracker WIP tab comes from), is completely blank. We must not process jobs the same way.

Here’s the description of that table fro Data Dictionary

Work In Process Part Tracking. Infomation on parts that are in WIP. This includes WIP semi-finished goods and issued raw materials. This file can be thought of as being similar to the PartBin, which tracks location/quantity of parts in stock.

I think that is related to having the AMM module. My PartWIP table has thousands of records.

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We see this when the demand link is to inventory, but it was shipped from the job instead.

The demand link for these jobs is MTO and it was shipped from the job.
I put in a ticket to EMS and they offered me a data fix.

i believe there is a conversion fix (in 10.2) called JCFixOrphanPartWip - which you may be able to run .

The description is …Remove PartWip Orphaned Records from Deleted Job Operations

sounds like what you need

I tried the conversion. It did not remove them from PartWIP, probably because the operations still exist.

hmmm… i’m not sure.

when the issue was made they should have “disappeared” from your typical inventory.

so because you’re using AMM the items are stuck in the floor locations - but the jobs are closed.

there must be an AMM/Conversion/fix to remove them
and we really need to understand why they got stuck to begin with.

you said you had a call to EPicor tech?
maybe they will provide an answer.
i don’t have another good option at this point, yet.
but i surely would like to know - i’ll keep looking

In my case, I found that the WIP transactions were somehow occurring after the job was closed. Reopening, and closing the jobs fixed problem for me.